
IRC Republicans for Life

Kimberly Bird (2)

Pro-Life Issues

From the President of IRC - Republicans for Life - Rev. Dr. Brad Klostreich

Greetings Friends of Life in Indian River County!

What a great honor and privilege it is for me to engage with you in this wonderful organization. Our presentation last month from Mat Staver about things currently going on in the Florida Supreme Court, as well as, our own nation’s involvement with the World Health Organization. If there was ever a time for those who value life to stand up and get involved, it’s now.
As a minister, it’s hard for me NOT to view things through a ‘Bible-lens’.
At our February board meeting, I opened our time together by reading the story from Luke 1:39-45 which is the story of Mary visiting her Cousin Elizabeth who is the mother of John the Baptist. The key verse is 44 which says, ‘As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.’
The ’baby’ being referred to here in this verse is the unborn John the Baptist. And we see two things in this quote from his mother, Elizabeth. The unborn John the Baptist reacts to the presence of Christ. And second, the unborn John the Baptist experiences the amazing gift of joy.
A grammatical comment: There are several terms in the Greek language that Luke, as the writer, could’ve used to describe the unborn John the Baptist. He chose the word ‘baby’ intentionally. He could’ve used a word closer to our word for fetus, but he didn’t. He used the word ‘baby’. He used that word because that’s what it is; a baby.
Friends, it is impossible to read that story and walk away thinking that abortion is acceptable in God’s eyes. The only way for the unborn John the Baptist to react to Jesus’ presence and at the same time, experience joy which only comes from God is that the unborn John the Baptist is a living person.
A fetus called a blob of protoplasm and a clump of cells doesn’t experience joy. Earlier, John’s father Zechariah had been told that his son would ‘be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from birth.’ (Luke 1:15). The preposition used in that verse really includes ‘from and prior’ to birth. This story of Mary and Elizabeth is proof positive that Gabriel’s prediction came true.
May we experience that same ‘joy’ as we join the work of Christ here in Florida the same way John the Baptist did 2,000 years ago.

From IRC Republicans for Life ~ Paul Zelno, President
Posted January 14, 2024

Final Farewell as our President ~ Paul Zelno ~ His views on Leadership

If we are to save the life of babies, we must vet and elect virtuous candidates that have demonstrated by their records and deeds that they are worthy of our support. Please read my published article on leadership!

It's important to read history that teaches virtue, offers role models for American leadership and tells of stories that shaped America because of virtuous deeds by leaders who learned the critical thinking of others, such as Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, George Washington and Ronald Reagan.
Their decisions made during critical times to preserve humanity and freedom were shaped by the great virtue of ancient leaders, recalling their stories.
What fate would become of all nations if they relied on consensus of others for their decisions?
Would Christ have refused the cross?
Would Churchill have lead Great Britain and Europe if he relinquished his fight against Marxism if he not modeled his decision after the story of Cincinnatus, a Roman statesman who gained control of the empire only to relinquish his power and return to farming?
What if Washington had heeded to the Continental officers at Newburgh, their consensus to attempt an insurrection against the country they fought to free because they were "owed" promises of payment?
What if President Reagan agreed to consensus with the Congress that ending Russia's goal to advance communism was a pipe dream and literally laughed at his decision plan to end the Cold War against Russia?
Great leaders told by stories throughout history are developed, not born of leadership skills and critical thinking
These principals must be taught and implemented by leaders that can only be learned by virtuous stories of world history.
Our framers understood the frailties of human temptation for individual gain and not virtue. Only when our leaders take lessons from our leaders of character will we save our constitutional republic.